Religiously married

"Daniel, listen to me... in the past, Mas Ardham has also faced death several times but God still loves Mas Ardham and is always safe from death. The same thing happened to you. Even though you feel death, but if God still protects you surely will survive, so never fear death." Nadine said giving advice to Daniel to always believe in the power of God.

"My wife is getting wiser by the day." Ardham said by grabbing Nadine's shoulder and hugging her gently.

"What's the matter, bro, it's normal.. I talk like that so that Daniel doesn't despair like we used to. Do you remember?" Nadine asked while holding Ardham's other hand.

"Whatever story about us I always remember Nad." Ardham said smiling and gripping Nadine's shoulder tighter.

Daniel smiled a little embarrassed to see the greatness of Ardham and Nadine which was never timeless.