"I didn't knew that we were going to Kings Landing in order to steal women and little boys." Euron Greyjoy (or Muron as he was called now) said with a laugh and he rolled his eyes as the half demented pet gazed lustfully at the women.
"They're not here for the reason you think they are Muron." He said before he thought about it and said "Ah well, the women are whores, you're correct in thinking that. But I've not brought them on board for that purpose. Neither are the boys for that purpose either."
"Then what. You want to marry them?" Muron asked sarcastically.
"No. They'll build a spy network for me." He explained to the man whom he had saved from freezing off into the wall a few months ago.
Despite his sadistic tendencies, Domeric had no doubt in his mind that Euron Greyjoy was one of the best sea captions in Westeros. That is why he rescued the man from freezing off in the Wall and took his time to make sure that the man was loyal to him. And then he used some high level transfiguration to grow his missing left eye as well as changed his face to a degree that no one else would ever be able to recognize him as Euron Greyjoy.
And now the man worked as his Fleet admiral. Not that he had much of a fleet at the moment. But he'll have one in the future.
"Spy network." The man spat before his mind started working a mile a minute and he nodded reluctantly "Aye, I guess such a thing would be useful to you. Unless you can use your magic and find out about everything that goes around in the 7 kingdoms."
"No. If could do that then why would I waste my time in building a spy network?" he asked but then gestured the man to stop talking "Take care of these girls and travel to Myr next. From there we'll go to Tyrosh and Lys."
"As you say my lord." Muron bowed deeply though he could feel the sarcasm dripping out of each word that he said.
Apparently being loyal to him didn't mean that Muron would stop using his unwanted sarcasm at him.
"Report to me once you reach your destination." He ordered and Muron gave him a nod.
"And what'll you be doing until then?" Muron asked. "You're not even old enough to wet your cock on a nice and wet pussy."
"No. And it's a damn good thing otherwise I would be rather distracted with all the pussies that are being offered to me these days." He said "No. I'll be planning for the expedition North of the wall."
"Don't see what you find so tempting that you would be willing to freeze off your balls in that desolate land. But it's your funeral." Muron joked and he rolled his eyes before he said Goodbye and Portkeyed back to Dreadfort.