"Shhh, don't cry Zee. Today we are here we will make our love story so beautiful. A love story that we will tell our children later." Daniel said in a deep voice.

"Yes Niel, now shall we sleep? Aren't we going to Ise's beach tomorrow morning?" Asked Dhenisa lying down near Justine.

"Tomorrow morning we'll just leave the three of us, because Bubu and Haruka are going to town." Said Daniel was also lying on the bed.

"Hem ... why doesn't Bubu come with us? Who knows, you want to take a bath like you, Niel." Said Dhenisa with a smile.

"You're laughing at me Zee? Answer honestly! You must be laughing with my silly attitude who just believes in mystical things." Said Daniel with a flushed face.

"No Niel, I just can't imagine how you can endure soaking in the beach when your skin is always allergic to dirty water." Said Dhenisa with a smile.

Daniel was silent, really he just remembered if his skin was very sensitive with something dirty.

"Don't think about it Niel anymore, sometimes for us to achieve something it requires sacrifice. You take it easy, I've brought allergy medicine as well as ointment." said Dhenisa with a smile.

"Thank you Zee, you are a wife who really knows the needs of your husband." Said Daniel with a look full of love.

"I have to take care of your health Niel, so that you don't feel pain. And I will also guard your heart so that you don't get hurt." Said Dhenisa in a soft voice in Daniel's ear.


Esok hari....

"Bubu, why are you coming with us? Do you also want to have children quickly?" Asked Dhenisa teasing Bubu who was focused on driving a car.

"I also want to immediately give a great-grandson to Opa, from my beautiful wife." said Bubu could not be separated with his gaze focused on the road ahead.

"Haruka you have to be patient with your husband's attitude that can't be romantic? But you must know, his heart is very kind to always protect the people he loves." Said Dhenisa knows Bubu very well.

Bubu's face flushed at Dhenisa's praise. Embarrassed, Bubu saw Haruka's face in the rearview mirror.

"I've known that, ever since I lived with Bubu in Uncle's big house. Everyone really loves Bubu, especially Opa Ardham, very dear to Bubu." Haruka said with a smile.

Bubu looked back at Haruka's face which always looked beautiful in his eyes.

"Bubu, focus on the streets! Don't look at the rearview mirror all the time! Your wife is not going anywhere." said Daniel, hugging Justine.

Bubu's face got even redder. Without replying to Daniel's words, Bubu drove his car a little fast towards Ise's beach.

Arriving at Ise's beach, Bubu got out of his car and followed the others. The atmosphere seemed a little crowded, it was seen that more couples or lovers came.

Dhenisa was carrying Justine looking out at the sea, which was clearly beautiful and calm.

"Daniel, you sure want to take a dip in the sea over there?" Dhenisa asked with a feeling that suddenly a little goosebumps.

"Yes Zee, won't you allow me Zee?" Asked Daniel with a full gaze.

"If you feel sure, I always support you Niel." Said Dhenisa with a smile.

"Bubu! Where's Bubu?" Daniel asked looking for Bubu's whereabouts and Haruka had already run to the beach to swim.

"They both swam. Zee, let's go over there Zee." Said Daniel while hugging Dhenisa's waist.

Dhenisa looked back towards the sea, as if there was something there. As if there were a pair of eyes staring at her.

"Daniel, I think ... I should just go back. I'll wait in the car." Said Dhenisa with her eyes that could not be separated from the sea.

"Zee, you have to wait for me .. how can I endure soaking in your absence Zee." Said Daniel sulking while sinking his head in the neck of Dhenisa.

"Alright Niel, I'll be waiting for you but it won't be long? Poor Justine if he was hit by the sea breeze for a long time." Dhenisa said as she closed Justine's body tightly with a thick blanket.

In Daniel's arms, Dhenisa, who was carrying Justine, walked towards the beach and approached Bubu.

"Bubu, Haruka!" Calling Dhenisa, she doesn't have the heart to see Justine who is hit by the strong sea breeze.

"Yes Dhenis, what's happen?" Bubu asked while wagging his pants which hit the beach sand.

"I can ask for help, take care of Justine for a while ... I want to wait for Daniel to soak in the sea." Said Dhenisa giving Justine to Haruka who asked Justine first.

"Okay, don't be too long? I waited by the car while eating." Bubu said hugging Haruka's shoulder who was carrying Justine.

"Come on Zee, accompany me to soak." Said Daniel as he raised the tip of his pants up to the calf.

"I'll wait here Niel, I'll keep you here." Said Dhenisa while looking towards the end of the sea as if calling her.

"Okay, don't you go anywhere? I'm going to take a bath for a while. Hopefully not for long." Said Daniel then walked slowly toward the sea.

Dhenisa stared unblinkingly when Daniel began to sit in a bath. There is something that Dhenisa feels when Daniel sits in the beach water with his eyes closed.

There are some people who do what Daniel did.

Suddenly Dhenisa's heart gasped in surprise when she felt a pair of eyes watching her.

Dhenisa is very sure there is someone who is openly watching her from the direction of the high seas.

"Who is he? Is he a watchman of the ocean? I'm pretty sure he's a man, but who is he?" Dhenisa asked silently until she didn't realize someone was standing beside her.

"Very beautiful is not the view?" Asked a man without smiling, also staring at the open sea.

Dhenisa turned to the face of the person who was talking to her.

"Those eyes! As I see it in my inner eyes when I gaze at the sea? Who is he?" Dhenisa asked silently.

"Is he your husband?" Asked the man, looking at Daniel who was concentrating soaking in a bath.

Dhenisa nodded slowly, a little strange with the aura on the face of the man beside her. Looks like a noble person is not an ordinary person.

"Your husband seems to want a child, right?" Asked the man again, and that Denisa can't help staring at the man again.