"Henry? So Bian is your daughter?" Bubu asked, wondering, seeing that his best friend Henry now looks more mature with a classy appearance.

Meanwhile, even though he is a very rich man, he still looks like a teenager, because he is only twenty-two years old and that is still five months away.

"Bian ... where have you been dear? Dad and Mom have been looking for you everywhere." Henry asked after taking over Bian from Bubu's arms.

"I've been with Daddy Bubu and beautiful Momy, Dad." said Bian with a funny look.

"Bubu, for a moment don't go anywhere, I'll meet them first so they can disperse immediately." Henry said, pointing at the police and bodyguards.

"Wow ... Bubu! looks like your best friend is someone important, just look at the bodyguard? and there are more cops? Good thing they didn't catch us." Haruka said a little in horror when she imagined how they had actually been arrested for being accused of kidnapping Bian.

"You don't be afraid of my wife, if I want I can dress like Henry or like Juan or Elvin who looks like a rich CEO. But sorry honey ... I prefer to look like this. Not bound by a contract with a suit and a tie that seemed to choke my neck." Bubu said at length so that Haruka could accept what he is.

"Ya Bubu, and I fell in love with you because of your very relaxed appearance." Haruka said with a look of love.

"You are indeed my wife who is very beautiful, and cute." Bubu said kissing the top of Haruka's head.

Haruka looked at Bubu with a face that looked flushed, Bubu always spit affection in public.

"You're embarrassed again?" Bubu asked while hugging Haruka's shoulder.

Haruka shook her head, not wanting to upset Bubu.

"Bubu! come on follow me." Said Henry who suddenly came and pulled his hand after all the people dispersed.

"Wow .. where do you want to take me?" Bubu asked while holding Haruka's hand.

"Come with me for dinner, my wife is waiting there with Bian." Said Henry, having handed Bian over to one of his trusted bodyguards.

Arriving at the restaurant inside the hotel, Bubu sat beside Haruka. Haruka stared unblinkingly at Henry's wife who was so very beautiful with a very elegant appearance like a royal princess.

"This is my wife Adelina, she's the one who made me like this. She is the only daughter of a very famous company in a European city." Said Henry with a look full of love to his wife.

Adelina smiled and nodded her head in a friendly manner.

"Nice to meet you two, I'm Adelina Thompson, just call me Adel." Said Adelina to Bubu and Haruka without showing arrogance even though she had mastered all the inheritance and a high position in her company after her parents died of poisoning by someone who until now has not known who poisoned them.

"Bubu forgive me, I was very panicked. You know? Bian is very important to us, because she is our only valuable as the sole heir. Only Bian has the right to lead our company and other endeavors. Because Bian is our only daughter, it was confirmed that my wife would not be able to have any more children after the accident three years ago." Henry said telling a long story to Bubu and Haruka.

"I didn't think your life was drastic Henry." Bubu said as it is without any fear.

"You're right Bubu, I don't know what my wife felt six years ago until she could love me like this. Yet many other men want her." Said Henry, hugging Adelina's shoulder.

"Because you are good Henry, and only you who sincerely love me without any evil intentions to control the company's inheritance." Said Adelina with a smile.

"Thank you my wife, for believing completely in me until our daughter was born and now has become a very cute and smart child." ucap Henry dengan wajah penuh kebahagiaan.

Haruka and Bubu looked at each other to see the romance between Henry and Adelina.

"Daddy Bubu!!!" Suddenly Bian got out of Henry's bodyguard and ran to hug Bubu.

"Hey little girl how are you You're happy now that you can meet your Dad and Mom." Bubu said, lifting Bian up and sitting on his thigh.

Bian nodded quickly and hugged Bubu tightly.

Henry and Adelina just stared at Bian in an unusual silence.

In her previous days, Bian was very well known, not talking to anyone else, apart from just Henry and Adelina. And now with what he saw Henry was very grateful to Bubu, because apart from him guarding Bian, there is Bubu who can take care of him if one day something happens to him or his wife.

"Bian, do you like Daddy Bubu and Momy Haruka?" Henry asked confirming his thoughts about Bian's feelings for Bubu and Haruka.

"Daddy Bubu and beautiful Momy are very kind, Bian is given a delicious cake, also lent Daddy Bubu's cellphone to play games." said Bian honestly and innocently.

"Would Bian want to stay with Daddy Bubu and Momy Haruka if Daddy and Momy had to work again?" Henry asked seriously and it really surprised Bubu and Haruka.

"I want to stay with Daddy Bubu and beautiful Mom instead of me living with scary Grandma Janet and uncle Marcos." said Bian just spoke honestly, after a long time never telling Henry, that Grandma Jannet and uncle Marcos had made her afraid.

Adelina, who heard her daughter's words, immediately stopped eating.

"Bian, aren't Grandma Janet and uncle Marcos kind to Bian?" Asked Adelina, staring at Bian's face who was still in Bubu's lap.

"Oma Janet and uncle Marcos evil Momy." said Bian as she hugged Bubu tighter.

"Evil? Has Bian ever been scolded or hit by Grandma Janet or Uncle Marcos?" Asked Adelina seriously.

"Not Momy, but Grandma said that Bian had to be with Grandma and couldn't go anywhere," Bian said honestly.

"Who is that Grandma Janet and uncle Marcos, Henry? "Bubu asked, curious because the two people had made a small child like Bian scared.