"Okay, I'll try to be on time. Haruka just finished showering. We'll be leaving soon." Bubu said when he saw Haruka coming out of the bathroom.

"Okay Bubu, I'm waiting. Bian has been asking you since this afternoon." Henry said telling Bubu that Bian had been looking for him since noon.

"Okay...okay we'll be leaving in a minute." Bubu said smiling while remembering Bian's funny face.

"I'm done Bubu, are you ready?" asked Haruka who looked relaxed.

"I'm ready honey, you look so beautiful even without make-up." Bubu said with an unblinking gaze.

"We are also very handsome Bubu, no wonder you become the ideal man and fight." Haruka teased with a smile.

"That's for sure dear, but still you are the only one I choose and I love. And now according to my promise, allow me to carry you from our departure and when we return." Bubu said smiling with a look full of love.

"I'm just kidding Bubu, please put me down Bubu." Haruka whined with embarrassment when other people saw it.

"I won't drop you off until I get to the car." Bubu continued to walk out of the room and walked out of the hotel to his car which was in front of the hotel.

While being embarrassed but happy, Haruka hid her face in the crook of Bubu's neck.

"Bubu, I'm embarrassed." squeaked Haruka without showing her face.

"Why should you be ashamed Haruka, it's only natural for a husband to carry his wife who is pregnant young." Tease Bubu with a smile.

"Now, you can get off. We're in the car." Bubu whispered in Haruka's ear hiding in his chest.

Haruka raised her head, then quickly got into the car after Bubu put her down.

Bubu held back a smile, seeing Haruka's innocent and cute attitude. Really still looks like an unmarried girl.

"Bubu, let's hurry and get in." Call Haruka who is already in the car.

With a smile Bubu got into the car and drove to the restaurant where Henry and his family were waiting for him.

Arriving at the restaurant which was quite quiet with not too many diners, Bubu stopped his car and parked his car in the restaurant parking lot.

"Come on baby, come here...let me carry you inside." Said Bubu who was standing in front of him.

"No Bubu, let me walk alone. Shame to see people." Haruka said lowering one of her legs.

"There's no reason for that honey." Bubu said immediately lifting Haruka's body without listening to what Haruka said.

Haruka is really pampered like a queen who must be happy.

In a bridal style, Bubu walked into the restaurant carrying Haruka in his arms.

"Daddy Bubu!! Momy Beautiful!!" Called Bian who suddenly ran towards her.

Haruka opened her eyes, seeing Bian who was in front of her.

"Bubu, put me down honey." Haruka said wanting to hold Bian who she missed.

Bubu put Haruka down, then sat on the chair near Henry.

"Bian dear, did Bian miss us?" Haruka asked as she took a small doll from her bag and gave it to Bian.

"Bian misses Momy beautiful and Daddy Bubu." Said Bian with a beautiful look.

"The doll is so Momy beautiful, is this for Bian?" Bian asked while observing the little doll who had long hair like Haruka.

"Yes, this beautiful doll is for Bian, it can make a sound calling Bian and it's Momy's voice." Haruka said while blaming the doll for making a sound.

"Bian dear, Momy loves Bian and Daddy Bubu... muachhhhhh."

The voice of the doll had been specially messaged by Haruka for Bian.

"Wooaahh, Momy's voice is beautiful, very beautiful. Bian also loves Momy beautiful and Daddy Bubu." Bian said repeatedly suppressing the doll's voice to make Haruka's voice.

"Does Bian like this doll from Momy? If Bian likes it, Bian must keep it, if Bian misses Momy, you can keep it on." Haruka said with a loving look.

"Bian really likes Momy, this doll Bian named the beautiful Momy Haruka." Said Bian with a face that looks happy.

Haruka smiled broadly, while pinching Bian's cheek affectionately.

"Bubu, how long do you plan to stay in Ise?" asked Henry who intended to return to Europe tomorrow morning.

"I'm up to Haruka, as long as she wants to stay I'll stay. You alone? How much longer are you willing to stay here?" Bubu asked while drinking a glass of water.

"My plan is to go back to Europe tomorrow, to inform about the changes to Edward's father's will." Henry answered with an uncomfortable feeling since morning.

"Asham, you have secured the original letter right?" Henry asked seriously to Asham who was sitting beside his secretary.

"Have you calmed down, I have secured in a safe place according to your orders." Asham answered seriously too.

"What now? What time does the dinner start?" Asked Bubu who was feeling hungry.

"Are you hungry, honey? Didn't you eat so much this afternoon? Your stomach will get fat later, Bubu?" Haruka said while rubbing Bubu's stomach jokingly.

"Same with Henry's stomach, but Henry drank too much." Adelina said with a small laugh.

Bubu and Henry could only be silent with red faces.

"Oh yes Henry, why are there many of your men outside the restaurant and around us? Is there something?" Bubu asked who felt Henry's attitude was not as usual.

"Just in case." Henry answered in a deep voice.

"Bian, come here and sit beside Momy. It's time to eat honey." Call Adelina to Bian when some food has arrived and is prepared on the table.

"Bian wants to sit near Momy beautiful and Daddy Bubu." Answered Bian who was still in Haruka's lap while playing with her doll.

"Yes, but you can't ask Momy beautiful to feed you, right? Bian has to eat alone." Said Adelina with a loving look.

"Yes Momy, Bian will eat alone." Bian said while placing the doll on the table after seeing that everyone was getting ready to enjoy dinner.