"It's enough that Asham doesn't need to explain to them. I don't care about Mrs. Janet's judgment! Mrs. Janet can ask Bian if it's all up to Bian. If Bian wants to come with you! Please just take custody of Bian, I don't care." Bubu said with high emotion.

"Bubu, calm down. You promised Henry and Haruka to take care of Bian. Do you want to disappoint them? You have to be able to calm yourself down. Remember Bian, he really needs you." Asham said whispering in Bubu's ear.

Bubu was silent, did not reply to Asham's words. Bubu had already done something he had to do.

With full confidence Bubu stood up then smiled at Janet and at all the Bian family who were sitting tensely staring at him.

"If you think I don't deserve to be Bian's custody, okay. I have no problem at all, because all decisions are in Bian's hands. You can ask Bian after the funeral." said Bubu, looking around seriously at everyone in the room.