Six months later....

It's been six months since Bian has lived her life as a student at Hang Tuah High School. Where the place is one with Hang Tuah University and also Hang Tuah Middle School where Justine and Yeira have IQ abilities above the average until at the age of eleven they are in the second grade of junior high school.

Every day Bian goes to school with Yeira and Justine. Like today Bian left a little late because Yeira woke up late.

"Bian, can you walk a little faster? I could be late. I can't believe I woke up late today." Yeira said with long steps entering the school yard.

"Never mind Yeira, you go in earlier than you are late. I can relax because my first hour is empty. My school teacher has a meeting with the principal." Bian said while listening to her favorite songs using a headset that was connected to her cellphone in her bag.