Amor has been in the hospital for three weeks, and today he has entered school even though he is just sitting around.

Actually Amor still has to rest at home but because he misses Bian, Amor keeps trying to go to school.

There is nothing more important to Amor than wanting to meet Bian.

Every day being in the hospital makes Amor even more depressed, especially with the pressure from his parents.

"Amor, why did you go to school? Don't you still have to rest at home for two more weeks?" Yeira asked looking at Amor's face, which still looked pale.

"I'm bored at home like a prisoner. I can't move freely. Moreover, I have to receive attention from Siska. Everyone seems to be pressuring me to do what they want." Amor said while rubbing his still aching shoulder.

"Just let it be Yeira, who knows by meeting us Amor will recover quickly. Isn't that right Amor?" Bian said with a smile looking at Amor, who couldn't take his eyes off her face.