Six months later...

"How's Bian? are you good grades? I'm sure you must win first right?" Amor asked Bian who looked happy while enjoying her iced tea.

Today is Bian's last day of school as a high school student and then Bian will continue her studies as she has always wanted. 

Bian wants to grow up quickly and become a woman that Bubu can admire like Bubu really admires Haruka.

"Thank you Amor, you are the best friend. Because of you and Yasa, Bian and I stayed in first place. And that really satisfied Momy and Daddy. Especially Daddy Bubu." Bian said with a gleaming face, not only because she was first in her class. But because her love test has ended, tomorrow is the eleventh of December, where tomorrow at five o'clock she will meet Bubu.

Starting tomorrow her relationship with Bubu will be established, she will become Bubu's lover.