"Bian? You're not home yet, honey?" Alice asked with pity when she saw that Bian was still not home and sat on the long chair.

"Aunt Alice? I'm not home yet. I'm waiting for a friend to pick me up." Bian answered honestly that she had asked Amor to pick her up.

"You better tell your friends not to pick you up. Let me take you home. I have something to say about your Daddy." Alice said as she took Bian's hand and took her into her car.

Unable to refuse Bian obeyed when Alice took her into the car. Especially after Alice wanted to talk about Bubu's problem, Bian wanted to know what really happened.

In the car, Alice took some tissues and gave them to Bian. 

"In front of Bubu, you looked really tough and now you're crying. You must be very sad with your Daddy's words, right? Don't put it in your heart, Bubu also feels sad like you." Alice said while rubbing Bian's face with great affection.