"Bian? Are you not wrong? Your opinion of your Daddy is all negative, how can you like him?" Amor asked with a strange look.

"That's the truth Amor...are there any more questions?" Bian asked while looking at Bubu's red face, holding back embarrassment and irritation because Bian's answer didn't compliment him at all.

"There's one more thing Bian, I've been wanting to ask you for a long time." Amor said very seriously.

"Ask about what? Just ask." Bian asked trying to calm down.

"What do you think now about the man you used to love but who had the heart to hurt your heart by leaving you waiting alone without any news at all? Do you still love him?" Ask Amor wanting to know the clarity of Bian's heart now.

Bian looked at Amor's face with a complicated look, then turned to Bubu's face who was looking at her with a misty look.