Bind with love

"Daddy... why is Dady silent?" Asked Bian feeling anxious to see Bubu's residence.

Bubu lifted his face, cupping Bian's face with a misty look.

"You have fulfilled your promise to your beautiful Mami. Only I have not fulfilled my promise to Haruka, nor to your parents. I promise to fulfill my promise before we get married." Bubu said in a trembling voice as his heart was crying bitterly.

"Daddy... don't be sad, I can't see Daddy sad." Bian said gently rubbing Bubu's sad face.

"Hmm... now why are you so worried? I'm fine." Bubu said smiling, not wanting to make his extended family more suspicious and wondering.

Bian smiled shyly, knowing very well how Bubu would act when he was caught injured, he would not admit it.

"Bubu! What are you waiting for? Quickly tie Bian with your engagement rings!" Said Ryu who couldn't wait to see Bubu happy.

"Look! They all can't wait to see us get engaged." Bubu said getting closer to Bian.