meet Grandpa Greg

"Don't be so loud Bee, Mr. Greg will hear your voice." Bubu said he felt something bad was going to happen.

Bian nodded his head as he pulled Bubu's hand from his mouth.

"So Mr. Greg is here already? Is he in the room?" Bubu asked in a low and slightly tense voice.

Morgan nodded his head.

"Greg's grandfather is in the upstairs room, he's been waiting for Uncle and Bian for two hours." Morgan said, relieved that Bubu wasn't angry with him.

Bubu was silent thinking about something that was still unclear to him.

"Now where will you live? Here or at your house?" Bubu asked with a serious face.

"I'll stay at Uncle's house, I don't want to bother Uncle. And now, Alexa has taken care of me. Alexa and I are already together now." Morgan said with a smile.

"Thank God, at least you can't turn your heart to the others." Bubu said while glancing at Bian.