you guys i love

Bubu entered the living room, the atmosphere was very crowded. Bubu saw Opa and Grandma having a casual conversation with Janet.

"Mrs. Janet, where is Bian?" Bubu asked looking for Bian's whereabouts, who was still nowhere to be seen.

"Bian is with Alexa in the room." Janet said with a smile then continued her conversation with Ardham and Nadine.

Immediately Bubu, walked to his room while calling Asham.

"Hello Asham, you haven't come yet. Tomorrow you are getting married but haven't prepared anything yet?" Bubu asked seriously.

"I'm on my way ma'am. Alice and I are ready for my clothes. Just one place at a time in your house." Asham said calmly.

"Okay...I'll wait, be careful on the way Sham." Bubu said then hung up the call and went into the room to see Bian.

He saw Bian was having a serious conversation with Alexa.