Bean's anxiety. Revision don't open

Ryu and Annara's bodies were submerged in the torrential rain that had witnessed Ryu and Annara's heartache.

"Let go of me!! shouted Annara while trying to release Ryu's grip which was too strong, by kicking Ryu's leg several times.

Because Annara was getting more and more rebellious, Ryu swiftly lifted Annara's body and carried her on his shoulders.

Annara was shocked and struggled even more trying to escape, but Ryu's strength couldn't be compared to his strength.

"Shut up Annara, I assure you!! soon you will not be disturbed by my presence, I promise you." Ryu said in a hoarse voice holding back the pain that was so deep for Annara's hatred for him.

When she heard Ryu's words, for some reason Annara's heart suddenly hurt so much, I don't know what Ryu would do because apart from being stubborn, Ryu always did reckless things.