Bravery From Within

Rong Yiyang's heart sank. He never expected the other party to actually attack him in public.

He had stopped boxing many years ago. Besides teaching his son in the backyard at their house, he didn't have any experience fighting anyone. When faced with Rong Kaixin's punch, Rong Yiyang didn't know what to do.

He suddenly felt a huge force rush toward him. His body moved out of the way.

Rong Kaixuan quickly pushed his father aside, got into position, and threw a punch out. He met the other side's punch head-on.


After their punches collided, both Rong Kaixuan and Rong Kaixin's bodies trembled.

While Rong Kaixin remained where he was without moving, Rong Kaixuan stumbled a few steps backward.

"Oh my, you've actually gathered and refined true Qi." Rong Kaixin looked at Rong Kaixuan with some surprise. He smiled and said, "That's interesting, but if you want to use this tiny bit of true Qi to fight with me, then you really don't know your place."

"Oh, since you've managed to gather and refine true Qi, you're eligible to become part of the Inner House," Rong Yitie said. "Young man, are you an inner disciple of the Inner House?"

Rong Kaixuan shook his head and honestly responded, "I'm not."

Rong Yitie and his son were relieved once more. If he wasn't an inner disciple, that meant this boy had already gone past the age of 15. He had true Qi, but he didn't have much room for development anymore.

Rong Yitie's gaze turned cold. "Since we're all from the same family, you'd better hand that manual over." He paused and said, "I'll make the decision now. I won't pursue this matter of you trying to strike an unreasonable deal."

Rong Kaixuan's eyes burned. He was so angry that he snarled and replied, "Both of you are the ones who were trying to take something away from me just because you're in a higher position, but now you're putting the blame on me? How is this justifiable?"

Rong Yitie coldly said, "I work in the Discipline Hall, and I protect the Rong clan's rules. If you want to argue with me about the rules, then you can come with me to the Discipline Hall to fight it out."

Rong Kaixin laughed loudly and said, "Young man, looking at you, I believe you've only managed to gather and refine true Qi not too many days ago, isn't that so? Ha-ha, does a lowly Elementary Stage Martial Artist actually dare to fight the two of us? You're asking for it."

He took a big step forward and thrust another punch toward Rong Kaixuan.

Rong Kaixuan was furious. He had already put the book away deep inside his pocket. When he saw how the other party was being so unreasonable, he felt like he had to fight with them to the end.

He clenched both fists. His emotions instantly went into a very strange and mysterious state.

Back when he had transferred his will into a Spirit Body and went into the deep mountains, he ran into the king of the mountains, a fierce tiger.

When he was on the brink of dying, he had a similar feeling. His emotions had entered a strange realm that was impossible to describe.

He was surprised to find that he had reached this state again without even intending to.

His body shifted. He amazingly dodged Rong Kaixin's punch. After that, Rong Kaixuan threw both fists out one after the other. A wisp of true Qi flowed into his fists. It sent out the cold sound of punches cutting through the air.

Rong Kaixin was a little taken aback. He was a Middle Stage Martial Artist and at a stage higher than Rong Kaixuan. Yet, this boy had managed to dodge his attack and was retaliating.

He angrily snorted. His fists were stretched out wide. He started to fight Rong Kaixuan.

Among the crowd watching the fight happening stood a lady wearing a wide-brimmed hat. Beneath the wide-brimmed hat was a face that was so beautiful it could mesmerize a nation.

Now, there was a tinge of anger on her beautiful face.

She had witnessed the entire thing and had her own judgment on who was right and who was wrong.

Actually, she had noticed the book from the moment she heard the commotion.

However, unlike Rong Yitie and his son, while she was also sad that she didn't get the book, she never thought of forcibly making it hers.

Now, everything that Rong Yitie and his son had done was no longer acceptable to her.

She started moving forward. Just before she could step out to stand up for what was right, a black figure stood like a wall in front of her with his back facing her.

The girl stopped where she was and looked carefully at the man in front of her. There was a look of surprise as she whispered, "Grandpa Xuan?"

The man turned back. It was Rong Jiexuan. He had mixed in with the crowd and didn't look conspicuous at all.

He blinked and laughed. "Xiao'er, why did you come out?"

The girl smiled prettily and replied, "Grandpa Xuan, even you come outside whenever you want to, so why can't I?"

Rong Jiexuan laughed. "I'm not out here for fun." He glanced over and said, "I'm here to watch someone."

Her beautiful eyes followed his gaze. Somewhat surprised, she asked, "What is so great about that young man that he has managed to catch your attention?"

She knew very well the rank Rong Jiexuan had in the family. To attract the attention of this old man was already a very difficult thing to do. Now, this elder had actually come outside to observe this young man. If anyone found out about this, the entire family was going to be in an uproar.

Rong Jiexuan smiled back mysteriously and replied, "Watch on and you'll understand."

She hesitated for a while before finally deciding not to ask anymore. She stood where she was and watched on with Rong Jiexuan. She was now filled with curiosity about this young man, who was clearly on the losing end of this fight.


Rong Kaixin gave a low shout. His punches were like the wind. A lot of true Qi was in those fists. He was definitely more formidable than the other side.

Rong Kaixuan quickly moved back with all his might and barely managed to dodge the punch. Although he had fallen into that magical sort of state, the imposing and pressurizing strength of the other party was impressive. The problem was that he was much less powerful than Rong Kaixin and unable to really fight him head-on.

Besides, Rong Kaixin had quite a bit of fighting experience, so every move he made was vicious. Rong Kaixuan had been able to sustain until now, but he had also reached his maximum.

The little bit of true Qi in his energy center had been fully consumed. He couldn't hold up anymore.


Rong Kaixin's punches were as strong as a mountain and as fast as the wind. After Rong Kaixuan had no more true Qi left, he couldn't avoid the attack. He put his arms in front of his chest and endured the attack.

He was hit by a huge wave of energy. It sent him flying backward. He crashed hard onto the ground.

Rong Kaixuan's body hit the ground like a sandbag. There was a bone-chilling crashing sound.


Rong Yiyang's eyes were bloodshot. He immediately went over to his son.

Rong Kaixuan felt like he had broken all his bones. There wasn't a single part of his body that didn't hurt. He only felt that way because he had protected himself before crashing to the ground.

Otherwise, that move from Rong Kaixin might have killed him.

"Father, I'm alright. It's OK." When he saw that his father's eyes were red, Rong Kaixuan quickly consoled him.

Rong Yiyang's fury immediately rose. He could feel his blood boiling.

This was his one and only son, and his son had a bright future ahead of him. Now, he was being bullied for no good reason and had been sent flying to the ground.

The blood rushed to his head. All the injustice he had suffered all these years exploded at the same time.

He fiercely looked up. There was a ferocious glint in his eyes. It was as if he was a wild beast.

When Rong Kaixin saw those eyes, which looked like they were choosing who to gobble up, he suddenly felt cold all over.


Rong Yiyang gave a low shout. He stomped his feet and dashed out so quickly that he was almost flying.

Even though he hadn't been able to gather any true Qi and had given up boxing for many years, he had now become a ferocious wild animal. When he rushed over, he even opened his mouth wide to reveal his white and sharp teeth. It seemed as if he was going to bite Rong Kaixin to death.

Rong Kaixin got the shock of his life. He wanted to dodge the attack. For some reason, he couldn't find the strength to move aside. Instead, he broke out into a cold sweat and nearly collapsed on the ground in fear.


Suddenly, Rong Yitie coldly snorted.

He took a step out. His wide strides instantly brought him to the distance between Rong Yiyang and Rong Kaixin. He stood in front of his son.

As a member of the Discipline Hall, he had fought with many family members and external parties who had broken the rules. Rong Yiyang was threatening and fierce, so he had managed to frighten his spoiled son silly. To Rong Yitie, Rong Yiyang was nothing.

Rong Yitie stretched a hand out to block Rong Yiyang. His arm seemed to be made of iron and steel. He immediately blocked Rong Yiyang's attack.

Rong Yiyang roared loudly and threw a punch out.

His punch carried no true Qi. It was just bravery that was fueled by his great fury. The blood boiling inside of him had created a huge amount of energy, so the whoosh of the punch cutting through the air seemed as though he had true Qi.

Unfortunately, the difference between him and Rong Yitie was simply too large.

Rong Yitie was an Advanced Stage Martial Artist.

"What a brash fellow. Get lost."

Rong Yitie's arm trembled slightly as a massive amount of true Qi was unleashed.

Rong Yiyang's body flew up and crashed hard on the ground as what had happened to his son. It was as if he had been struck by lightning.

Rong Kaixuan was dumbfounded when he watched Rong Yiyang dash out earlier. He had never expected that his usually weak father could explode with such fury.

Of course, he also knew why his father was so furious, so he became very agitated too.

When Rong Yitie made his move, Rong Kaixuan immediately felt fear. Before he could react, his father had already been sent flying.

He shouted loudly as he suddenly had an outburst of energy from nowhere. The immediate pain on his body wasn't difficult to endure anymore.

He slammed his hands down hard on the ground, opened his arms as wide as he could, and caught his father mid-air.

Cough! Cough!

Rong Yiyang violently coughed several times. There was a bit of blood on his lips.

Rong Kaixuan's heart immediately started burning. He felt that his emotions were now very extreme as a fury started to boil somewhere deep in his heart. The flames were so powerful and blazed so fiercely that it was almost like the legendary fire from heaven that could burn all the injustice in the world.

This fire quickly spread through the rest of his body. His entire body was now scalding.

As if it had sensed his immense fury, the mysterious round ball in the area between his eyebrows started spinning faster than before. It was like a spinning top, spinning faster and faster.

A voice that seemed to come from a very faraway place suddenly started speaking.

"Humph, I said so earlier. If you hand that manual over, then I'd spare both of you. Seriously, you two idiots won't learn unless you die."


Rong Kaixuan suddenly lifted his head. His eyes blazed with fury as he glared fiercely at the smug father and son standing across from him.

After that, he raised one hand and gently tapped the air.

A flash of light instantly appeared at the point where he tapped…