None Type

"Wood… Wood element…"

One of the men standing there was dumbfounded as he pointed a finger at Rong Kaixuan but seemed to have forgotten how to speak.

He wasn't the only one who looked like he was in a daze. Even Rong Yiyao, who had been watching everything emotionlessly, felt deep shock.

As the first man had said, Rong Kaixuan had managed to release the wood element Spirit Power.

Among the basic five elements, each element had its own unique characteristics.

Only the wood element Spirit Power gave off a mysterious fragrance after it burst open. The stronger the fragrance, the purer the wood element Spirit Power was.

The part that made everyone the most shocked and perplexed wasn't the fact that Rong Kaixuan had managed to sense the wood element in the Spirit Power of Heaven and Earth and release wood element Spirit Power. It was the fact that the fragrance they were smelling now was even purer than the one that Lady Wang had released earlier.

They wondered how could this even be happening.

Lady Wang was officially recognized as a genius among Spiritualists, and she was the best at using the wood element Spirit Power.

She had also been cultivating in with this element's Spirit Power for nearly 10 years and was now a Peak Stage Spiritualist on the verge of reaching Spiritual Mentor at any time.

How could someone like her release an elemental Spirit Power that wasn't as pure as an Elementary Stage Spiritualist who had just learned how to sense the Spirit Power of Heaven and Earth?

Rong Kaixuan took a deep breath. The little round ball in between his eyebrows slowly calmed back down.

Sensing and releasing a single element Spirit Power was really not easy. If Rong Kaixuan was left to his own devices to slowly ponder upon it and cultivate, he would have needed at least several months to successfully achieve that.

When he used the energy in the round ball between his eyebrows, he could clearly sense the different elements in the huge universe.

Just as how Lady Wang described it, the world was like a gigantic and majestic painting.

Countless colors dyed the painting, covering every inch of it. On top of that, this painting wasn't fixed, so the colors kept moving and changing.

This was a rich and colorful world whose beauty was difficult to describe in words.

But in this world, five colors stood out more than the rest, making it difficult for one to ignore it.

Without a doubt, that was the power of the five elements.

Thanks to the mysterious energy in the little round ball, Rong Kaixuan quickly found the wood element Spirit Power that Lady Wang had released earlier. He used his Divine Sense to use the mysterious energy to absorb nothing but the energy from the element of wood. He finally released it when it was all absorbed.

This process wasn't difficult for him since he possessed an otherworldly power in the first place.

Since this mysterious energy was involved in the absorption of the element, the wood element it absorbed was incredibly pure. Thus, the fragrance that was eventually released naturally reached a purity that shocked others.

After looking at everyone's reactions, Rong Kaixuan cautiously asked, "Senior, how did I fare?"

Lady Wang was still in shock. She blinked several times and stared very hard at Rong Kaixuan. He could feel his hair stand on end from her staring.

After a moment, she finally managed to slowly reply, "Not bad, you've done pretty well."

Everyone muttered to themselves when they heard that. This wasn't just pretty well. That was exceptionally well. What sort of person was this fellow? Was he the reincarnation of a wood element spiritual being of sorts?

One of them laughed loudly and said, "Congratulations, Kaixuan. Your wood element Spirit Power is extremely pure. If you cultivate with wood element spells, you'll definitely be able to rise in level twice as quickly."

"That's right, this gift that you have is really exceptional. Your future ahead will be bright!"

Everyone started heaping praises onto Rong Kaixuan.

When everyone found out about the feud between Rong Kaixuan and Rong Kaijie, they had decided not to side with either one.

Neither was a character they were able to afford to offend. Lady Wang had a special status, so she was different from them and could choose a side if she wanted to. None of the rest were willing to invite unnecessary trouble.

After Rong Kaixuan had displayed such a heaven-defying gift, they immediately changed their minds and started to speak in a friendlier manner toward Rong Kaixuan.

Rong Kaijie's face started to pale slightly. He was beginning to feel regret. This fellow's constitution was better than he had expected, so going against him wasn't necessarily the best choice to make.

Lady Wang nodded slowly. She kept away the complicated feelings in her heart as she said, "Kaixuan, since you have already…" She suddenly paused and thought for a while. She then asked, "Kaixuan, did you only manage to sense the wood element Spirit Power earlier, or have you managed to sense all five elements?"

Rong Kaixuan seriously replied, "I sensed all five elements earlier."


Everyone let out a surprised gasp.

After seeing how Rong Kaixuan's wood element Spirit Power had burst earlier, they didn't doubt his words anymore.

But this boy's performance was simply too incredible. He had managed to sense all five elements all at once, so what were they going to do with themselves now?

Lady Wang looked very hard at Rong Kaixuan. She pursed her lips as if she was trying to decide on something. After several moments, she finally said, "Alright, try to release each of the elements' Spirit Power one by one." After a pause, her eyes were alert as she said, "This is a very important matter, so don't hide or hold anything back. Otherwise, this will become a great hindrance to your cultivation in the future."

Rong Kaixuan's heart trembled. He had thought about hiding some of his true ability, but he quickly dismissed the idea and decided to give it his best shot.

He stretched one finger out in front of everyone. A spark appeared on his fingertip. It burst open.

Everyone instantly smelled the fragrance of fresh soil. They all looked at one another. There was great shock in their hearts.

This was the earth element Spirit Power, and it was an extremely pure release of elemental energy.

Lady Wang remained expressionless. She coldly said, "Next one."

"Got it." Rong Kaixuan was a little anxious, but there was no turning back. He clenched his teeth and released another spark of Spirit Power.


The spark burst, but there wasn't any smell wafting through the air this time.

The air around them instantly became dry as the temperature rose. This was the power of the fire element, and it was also a very pure fire element Spirit Power.



The humidity in the air rose and dispelled the dryness that was in the air earlier. Everyone present heard the faint sound of waves crashing in their ears.

Even though they knew that was just an illusion, they still looked around to see if there was a huge wave of water somewhere.

"Very good, continue." Lady Wang gritted her teeth as she said those words.

Her heart was now filled with emotions that were too complicated to describe.

Even though she had seen this young man much earlier on and knew that he had an extraordinary sort of Spirit Power and was the first Spirit Gatherer in the Rong clan in the last hundred years…

If he was also ridiculously gifted in Spellcasting, it also made her feel extremely upset inside.

Rong Kaixuan nodded, but he could tell that the grim faces of the people around him weren't a good sign.

But he didn't have a choice.

After taking a deep breath, he released another spark of mysterious energy from the round little ball for the fifth time.

When this spark appeared on his fingertip and burst open, a sharp gush of air immediately rushed out in all directions.

Everyone narrowed their eyes and let out a surge of Spirit Power.

Even though the gold element Spirit Power that Rong Kaixuan had released wasn't going to kill anyone, and probably couldn't have even cut their clothes or their skin, nobody wanted to suffer any cuts that gold element Spirit Power brought about.

After releasing Spirit Power with the five individual elements, Rong Kaixuan started to feel tired. He felt his constitution was different.

Absorption of a single element Spirit Power and absorption of the Spirit Power of Heaven and Earth was quite different. It was much more difficult to do. The Spiritualist releasing the Spirit Power had to resist a much greater risk of being consumed by the Spirit Power.

Lady Wang looked at Rong Kaixuan. After a long time, she finally sorted herself out and said in a low voice, "Kaixuan, I know what Spirit Power type you have."

Rong Kaixuan got excited and said, "Please enlighten me."

Lady Wang slowly said, "I've read a book before that said that out of a million Spiritualists in the world, there would be one very powerful Spiritualist who would have a type that is none. This sort of Spiritualist is sensitive to every type of Spirit Power that exists in the world, so they can ignore the issue of categorization and go ahead and learn spells for any element type."

When they heard that, everyone had an envious look in their eye. Rong Kaijie's eyes were filled with even more shock and jealousy. He wished he could skin this young man alive and take his gift for himself.

Lady Wang's voice suddenly changed as she said, "But, of course, everything has its pros and cons. Even though you can cultivate spells for any of the elements, and you would even do well regardless of which one you choose, because you have this none type, you also lose the additional advantage that one element would have given you. Besides…" Her voice slowed down and seemed to be warning him. "There's a limit to how long one can live, and it's already not enough for a Spiritualist to ever reach the limits of each of the elements even if he puts in all his energy into just one of them. Since you can cultivate all the elements, you're going to need a lot more time to attain the same level as an ordinary Spiritualist. Perhaps you might even die before you really attain a high level of spellcasting."

Rong Kaixuan's expression changed slightly. That was indeed a problem.

Lady Wang's eyes flashed as she gravely said, "Since you have the very rare none type, I am unable to teach you. What I want to know is do you intend to learn the basic spells of all the five elements, or do you want to concentrate on just one element's spells first?"

Rong Kaixuan lowered his head and quietly considered his options.

After a long time, he looked up. There was a determined look in his eyes.

"Senior, I would like to learn the spells of all five elements."

"Sigh…" Lady Wang sighed quietly in resignation.

She had initially hoped that Rong Kaixuan would do it systematically and start by concentrating on one element's spells first. Even though it was a little extreme, if he had to face a real battle in the future, being able to cast a high-level spell was definitely way more powerful than being an expert in all sorts of low-level spells.

Unfortunately, she couldn't bring herself to say any of that.