Too Complacent?

When Rong Kaixuan stepped into the Hall of Spiritualists the next day to absorb the Spirit Power of Heaven and Earth, he was surprised to find that everyone now looked at him strangely.

Only Wang Xiaoxiao treated the same way as before. Everyone else kept their distance from him.

Of course, when he saw how everyone had suddenly changed their attitude toward him, he knew that it had something to do with him killing Rong Kaixin.

Rong Kaixin was Rong Kaijie's brother. By killing Rong Kaixin, that was as good as creating a huge feud between himself and the most powerful Spiritualist of his generation within the clan.

It wasn't surprising that these people kept themselves at arm's length from him.

Compared to them, Wang Xiaoxiao continued to treat him the same way as before. Thus, he felt both comforted and grateful.

Perhaps it was because Rong Kaijie didn't want to see him, but he never appeared.

After everyone had finished absorbing the Spirit Power of Heaven and Earth, they all left the courtyard. Wang Xiaoxiao whispered, "Kaixuan, go and pay Grandpa Xuan a visit."

Rong Kaixuan didn't expect those words and nodded in response.

He had been able to get into the Hall of Spiritualists because Elder Jiexuan had personally admitted him. After he got in, the old man seemed to have completely forgotten about him and left him to his own devices. Now, the old man had finally remembered he existed.

"By the way, Grandpa Xuan lives in a quiet area, so don't alert the rest when you go over," Wang Xiaoxiao said in a voice that seemed both casual yet deliberate.

Rong Kaixuan's heart skipped a beat. He quickly replied, "Sure, I understand."

After Wang Xiaoxiao left, Rong Kaixuan had many thoughts in his heart.

The last instruction from her seemed to be implying something else. He had to carefully think about her words.

Was it that Elder Jiexuan didn't want others to know that they were in contact with one another?

Rong Kaixuan shook his head. He put that thought aside and walked alone into the bamboo forest according to what he could remember.

The Hall of the Spiritualists was even larger than the size of the Clan Head's residence, but the number of disciples and servants within the Hall were ridiculously few. Since Rong Kaixuan moved in secret, it was impossible for anyone else to notice that he had gone into that bamboo forest.

He followed the narrow and quiet path within the bamboo forest and soon came to that familiar house, as well as the old man enjoying his tea in front of the house.

Rong Kaixuan immediately went up to greet him politely. "Rong Kaixuan greets Elder Jiexuan."

Rong Jiexuan looked up. He had a friendly smile on his face.

Rong Kaixuan was quite relieved. Since the old man smiled, he probably hadn't asked to see Rong Kaixuan for anything bad.

"Ho-ho, young fellow, you're not bad. Come over here and have a cup of tea with me," Rong Jiexuan said with a smile as he poured a cup of tea for Rong Kaixuan.

Rong Kaixuan nodded and didn't dare refuse. He picked up the teacup in front of him and drank everything down in one gulp.

Rong Jiexuan was shocked for one moment before asking, "How's the tea?"

"It's nice," Rong Kaixuan quickly replied.

Rong Jiexuan opened and closed his mouth a few times before laughing bitterly. "It's like casting pearls to swine. What a waste of a precious thing."

Rong Kaixuan hung his head and stole a glance at the teapot in the old man's hands. He wondered if this tea was extremely expensive.

Rong Jiexuan shook his head and said, "Kaixuan, I heard that you were in a fight recently and killed a fellow clansman on the Battle Platform."

Rong Kaixuan's expression changed slightly. His body suddenly stiffened as he looked up and replied solemnly, "I did it to defend myself, Elder Jiexuan. You can investigate the matter."

Rong Jiexuan waved his hand and said, "I'm not here to blame you for it. I know exactly what happened. They were clearly asking to die, so it's not your fault."

Rong Kaixuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He was glad that Elder Jiexuan was very detailed and knew every single thing. Otherwise, there was no way he could walk about freely if he was found to be guilty.

Rong Jiexuan looked at him with some interest. He already knew long before this that Rong Kaixuan was merely a victim.

If this fellow still looked carefree after killing off a fellow clansman, Rong Jiexuan was going to be repulsed by him.

When he saw that Rong Kaixuan looked anxious, Rong Jiexuan started to have a good impression of him.

"Kaixuan, you've performed very well this time," Rong Jiexuan said in a friendly voice. "Your constitution is really amazing, and you managed to invoke three Spirit Body Fighters consecutively despite being only an Elementary Stage Spiritualist.""Because you've performed well, I've decided to reward you." He looked at Rong Kaixuan with a bright smile and asked, "What would you like? Tell me."

Rong Kaixuan got very excited. He looked up and replied, "Elder Jiexuan, I would like some talisman papers and…" He briefly paused before saying, "I would also like to read some manuals on basic spells."

Rong Jiexuan was surprised. He said, "You want talisman papers because you want to make more Spirit Body Fighter Sealing Talismans, don't you? Then again, I can't believe you managed to make one the last time I gave you one piece. That's really incredible."

This was the second time he had complimented Rong Kaixuan.

That was because he knew very well that it was a really amazing thing for an Elementary Stage Spiritualist to be able to create Spirit Body Fighter Sealing Talismans.

He had never heard of anyone who could do such a thing.

Rong Kaixuan hung his head, but there was a look of anticipation in his eyes.

After that fight with Rong Kaixin, Rong Kaixuan started to wish he had more talismans on hand.

The idea of using countless Spirit Body Fighters to fight others was like an earworm that kept ringing inside him and refused to go away.

Rong Jiexuan waved his sleeve over the surface of the table. There were suddenly new things on the table.

"These will be enough for you to make three more," Rong Jiexuan said with a laugh. "Take them."

Rong Kaixuan's eyes widened. Nothing was surprising about the Elder being able to give him three pieces of very valuable resources. The thing that made him wonder was how the old man managed to do that.

Was it some sort of secret technique that could make things appear and disappear?

Rong Jiexuan noticed the questioning look on Rong Kaixuan's face and burst out laughing. "Kaixuan, work hard and cultivate. Someday, you will reach this stage."

Rong Kaixuan's face turned red. He quickly replied, "Yes, Elder Jiexuan."

There weren't many things on the table, so Rong Kaixuan took out a cloth bag and cleared the table. He looked even happier now.

Rong Jiexuan laughed heartily and said, "Kaixuan, if I remember correctly, Xiao'er is the one guiding you in cultivating basic spells. Why do you still want to read these manuals?" He paused for a while and added, "If Xiao'er is not doing a good job of guiding you, I can get Yiyao to teach you."

Rong Jiexuan was a little upset about this. He had passed this promising child to Xiao'er because he had great trust in her. If Xiao'er just did the minimum, that would really disappoint him.

Rong Kaixuan quickly shook his head and replied, "Elder Jiexuan, my senior has put in a lot of effort into teaching me. She answers every question I have and has guided me well, so I'm extremely grateful to her."

"Oh? If that's the case, why did you make such a request?"

Rong Kaixuan blushed a little and said, "Senior has put in a lot of effort, but she's very strict on the content of what I learn. She only allows me to learn the basic spells for two out of the five elements."

Rong Jiexuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "You little punk! What are you upset about? Aren't you satisfied that she lets you learn the spells for two elements at the same time?" He pointed a finger at Rong Kaixuan and unhappily said, "Don't tell me you intend to learn the basic spells of all the different types available."

Rong Kaixuan's eyes lit up as he replied, "Elder Jiexuan really does know everything."

"Ah…" Rong Jiexuan hand nothing to say. Even though he was an emotionally stable person, he had a moment of shock and disbelief.

This young man actually wanted to learn the basic spells of every single type…

Didn't he know that, according to the rules, an Elementary Stage Spiritualist who had just started his journey of cultivating as a Spiritualist could only choose to cultivate one out of the five elements?

Did he think that just because he was a none type, he could just simply take the cultivation of Spirit Power lightly?

Rong Jiexuan's expression darkened. Rong Jiexuan was an Elder of the clan and held an extremely high standing, so he already looked authoritative even when he wasn't angry. Now that his expression was stern, it looked like a storm was imminent. It made one feel like it was difficult to breathe.

Rong Kaixuan felt a shiver in his heart but still asked, "Elder Jiexuan, did I say something wrong?"

Rong Jiexuan's eyes flashed. After some hesitation, he suppressed the anger in his heart. He went into deep thought for quite a while like he was planning something. After some time, he finally said, "Alright, I will grant you this request. I will tell Xiao'er to let you learn all the basic spells. But you must promise me one thing."

Rong Kaixuan was over the moon when he heard that, so he quickly replied, "What do you need me to do?"

"After you have studied all these things for some time, I want to personally test you on all these things. If you're not up to standard, well, you know what to do."

Rong Kaixuan quickly stood and said, "I understand."

"Alright then, run along." Rong Kaixuan waved his hand. "From tomorrow onward, you can start learning spells."

Rong Kaixuan hesitated for a while before saying, "Elder Jiexuan, I was thinking of going out for a few days to settle my heart. Do you think…"

Rong Jiexuan nodded and said, "After going through that fight on the Battle Platform and that accident, it's a good idea to go out for a good walk."

Rong Kaixuan was secretly happy about that. He bowed politely and took his leave.

After he left, a beautiful figure appeared inside the bamboo house.

Wang Xiaoxiao slowly walked out and asked, "Grandpa Xuan, why are you being as ridiculous as him?"

Rong Jiexuan laughed cheekily as he enjoyed a mouthful of tea. "What do you mean by being ridiculous?"

Wang Xiaoxiao was annoyed as she replied, "He wants to learn all the basic spells available. Isn't that ridiculous?"

Rong Jiexuan shook his head and said, "Xiao'er, have you noticed that this fellow is too confident of himself? Or, rather, his path of cultivation has been going too smoothly, so he's getting complacent. If this goes on, it's not good for him."

Wang Xiaoxiao didn't think about it that way. She understood what the Elder was saying. "I get it now. You want to use this chance to teach him a lesson."

Rong Jiexuan nodded and said, "That's right. Since he's so audacious now, let him go ahead and try. Ha-ha, once he starts cultivating in all directions and ends up being a jack of all trades and master of none, he will understand how difficult cultivation can truly be."

"Isn't that delaying his progress?" Wang Xiaoxiao asked with a frown.

"He's just started anyway, so if he gets delayed a little so be it," Rong Jiexuan quietly said. "It's better to be delayed now than later."

Wang Xiaoxiao nodded slowly. A thought suddenly struck her. She asked, "Grandpa Xuan, if he… What if he really grasps all of the basic spells?"

Rong Jiexuan was surprised that she asked that. He burst out laughing and said, "Xiao'er, he's being ridiculous and you want to be equally ridiculous. That's definitely impossible."

Wang Xiaoxiao just shook her head and smiled bitterly. She didn't know why such a strange thought had struck her either.