Advancing to Middle Stage

The tumors on Rong Kaihua's face were all gone. Even though his skin was blackened, his heart remained strong and confident. He wasn't bothered by it at all. Thus, this battle ended with a gain for him.

Rong Cai suggested going back home, but Rong Kaixuan refused. He wanted to stay for another 10 days.

After Rong Yihe and Rong Cai discussed it, they agreed to Rong Kaixuan's request and ignored how much Rong Yiyang was against it.

Since he had brought it up, they were both curious as to what Rong Kaixuan would use to convince them after three months to go into the mountains.

The next day, Rong Kaixuan locked himself in his room and started making Spirit Body Fighter Sealing Talismans nonstop.