I will not find you in my bed when I return...

Since she guessed he wasn't really directing the question to her, Xu Ning didnt bother to reply.

"Poor you two. You must have a lot on your hands. With the recent serial killing. Are you getting anywhere?"

"Hopefully we should be getting somewhere." Lifen replied curtly.

"Have I dome something wrong? You dont appear very pleased with me my dear." Yusheng asked moving closer to Lifen but Xioa Ai cleared her throat.

"There are people watching. And Yusheng, is the ethanol you use in cleansing your department different from ours? The scent is different."

"Amd why would you ask me that? Ask the cleaning crew. There she goes, the regular worker here." He pointed his chin to woman wiping the floor.

Xiao Ai walked up to her. "Good work. Can I ask you a few questions?"

The worker nodded. "Yes Ma you can."

"The disinfectants you use on the floor and walls contain ethanol right?"

"Yes they do."