He was the other specie and wasnt supposed to breath loud...

Great Ai walked over to him from her sitting position and asked. "What happens if you fail?"

He squeezed his face. "I might be advised to withdraw. I didnt want to disappoint my parents."

She knocked his head a little. "Then why didnt you do well. It's just sstudying. How hard can it be? Carry a book read it and close it then remember it." She emphasized as if he was the biggest idiot she had ever met.

It made him feel even worse. "It might be that easy for you or some people but not for me. I do well in ICT though..." he said the last part with a happy expression.

She clicked her tongue. "You idiot. We cant have you leaving the school." She appeared to be in thoughts.

His hope was raised. Did she need him? Does she like him? "Really?"