Oh no. Oh no. Oh no no no no no...

Sweet Guy was confused and defended himself after all the did not want to look like a liar to Gu Bojing. "I am not lying. Even that time, he accompanied her to the bathroom and slept with her in the...hmmphh.." Little Guy placed a hand on his mouth and Lifen helped to drag him to a side.

Lifen walked towards Xiao Ai and patted her shoulders. "Dont feel bad we both know Sweet Guy is an idiot."

Since Little Guy had warned Sweet Guy and informed him of the gravity of what he spoke, he shut his mouth and stood at a distance. He was the one who prevented her from talking further why didnt his brain tell him he was only landing her in deeper trouble? From the look of things Xiao Ai won't hesitate to kill him.

What should he do to make up for it?