The prey who walked into the predators hand...And the ridiculous one...

Gu Bojing knew the cunning woman must be thinking to use his money to buy him a ring, which was why he quickly exposed her before she really does.

When he saw her head bent, he raised his hand to pat it a bit and said. "It's fine Mrs Gu. You can take a lone from the bank if you want."

Xiao Ai raised her head slowly and glared at him. He raised a brow and tapped her temple.

"Did I say something wrong? Your expression doesnt look nice."

Xiao Ai didnt bother hiding her glare. He clearly knew she was broke yet he insists on teasing her.

"I will return your card. What do you take me to be? Someone who doesn't know when to stop spending or some selfish human who only thinks about spending other people's money all day?"

Her husband did not bother replying and only smirked. She had fallen into his trap. She got off his lap and moved to the other bed. It was her fault for climbing into his bed.

"Don't be mad. You look too cute."