Little Fern plant will beat you up...This is a pair of gorgeous Father and Daughter...

It cant be. It's been a long time. Another reality hit her and she curled her toes. She really... back then should have stopped Xiao Ai. If it was this thing...?

What was she to do or say to the others to make them understand?

Yusheng saw that Lifen was wavering and couldnt stand on her own. "Is everything alright?"

She faked a sigh and only said. "I...I am just worried." She then glanced at Gu Bojing who was staring at her with keen eyes. "Do you think we should go to see the Shamans grandmother?"

Helpless, Hannah queried. "You guys see shamans? I thought you were atheists and Christians."

Yusheng hid the bracelet he got from the temple and the others looked everywhere but at Hananh.

"Its Xiao ai who is born again. Not us..."

"Excatly." Bolin and Yusheng supported.

"Whatever. I think going to the shaman would be better. Perhaps the old one can shed light on this. Cause we know for sure...Xiao Ai isnt dead."