Dangerous devilish plan is yet to bloom...Fretakis Lucifer, the devils first...

"Let it go..." Littel shameles encouraged and Lifen screamed.

"Xiao Ai...Xiao... NOOOO!" she whipped her head to Gu Bojing and called..." Bring her back. Xiao Ai...Xiao..."

The shaman patted her back and left her to rest against Hannah. "Leave her for few minutes. It is the first time she is seeing such. About this young lady...I am afraid to say she is in grave danger."

Hannah squinted closer forgetting that Lifen was using her as support which caused Lifen to fall to the floor. Her head making a thud.

Yusheng glares at the uncaring Hannah and brought Lifen to his side. In his mind he said.

'Look who you ended up coming back to a little Fern plant?"

"What do you mean danger?" Hannah curiously asked, heart thumping against her chest. Yes she was still mad at Xiao Ai but it wasnt her fault. God it was never her fault. She just needed someone to blame for the loss of Dongai.