I am in love with stupid Little Fern Plant...So you are marrying the other she devil...

I am in love with stupid Littel Fern plant....So you are marrying the other she devil....

Seeing that he got no reaction from Bolin, Little fool explained further.

"What I was made to know is that Dongai is dead. And along all it has been mine and your brothers fault. So tell me..."

Bolin left his presence to check Gu Bojings house through the window. Truly there was a guy in millitary attire staring inside the gate. When Bolin clearly saw his face, he knew that was his big brother in law. He has so much resemblance to big sister. The way his eyes were carved, his nose and that perfect jawline.

Bolin took a deep breath in and took out his phone. He wanted to call Gu Bojing but then he decided against it. He would only start to worry again.

"Does that not mean Dongai didnt die?" Littel fool continued looking at his anxious expression.

Bolin snapped his head in his direction and curtly replied. "It means big sister is gone forever!"