Lie on your back and let me do what I want...That was not Lifen you touched...

There was no going back into bringing what he said to no longer exist. He should have known that Lifen was some sort of lady that hardly ever gets embarrassed just like his big sister in law.

He turned his eyes to her this time and looked into her eyes. Although he did not know what to say to her question, he just wanted to look into her eyes and see what sort of expression he held at that moment.

Lifens expression was a complicated one. He could really not tell if she was talking to him under the influence of alcohol or not. But her eyes seem to look at him in a different way. She looked at him like he were some sort of lost treasure. Although Bolin suspected this was because he had lots of money. Money monger woman.

"You are too different tonight." He finnaly said and stood up to walk properly to her. He had better get it done as soon as possible to avoid further embarrassment.