I know all your girlfriends and fling, I trust you to that point...Bolin felt as if he said something insensible...

Dongai carefully dragged Yusheng out of the office when the officer spoke. they got outside and noticed that Lifen had already taken the car. Not so surprised Dongai checked his pockets and saw that the key to the car was no longer there. That Lifen must have robbed him off it when she passed by his side the other time.

Staring outside Yusheng stares at the cloud that was very clear and bright. Did Lifen just break up with him? Did she just say that she was no longer interested? When everything began to settle in, the muddy expression came even faster than expected. And while Dongai was still looking to call a car, yusheng had already gotten into one and left Dongai at the spot staring at the car that drove off.