Another man down...Nicholas Fretakis Lucifer, the great and lonely demon...

Hannah gave her the middle finger and Xiao ai returned it before she left.

Afte xiao Ai left Lifen turned to Yusheng and teased.

"You are really acting like a boyfriend."

Yusheng turned to her and asked. "Am I not?"


He repeated the question. "Am I not the boyfriend Lifen? I need to know where I stand so I dont cross my boundary."

She felt awkward and quickly gave Bolin a glance before answering. "Of course you are. What sort of a question is that? You still are."

He nods his head. "Good."

Gu Bojing takes a seat on the stool and watches the three of them. Why did it fell like Bolin was the home wrecker between Lifen and Yusheng now?

Bolin the home wrecker cleared his throat and asked. "I heard from Dongai that you two earlier today..."

Dongai did not let him finish his statement before answering him. "It was a mistake. They are good now. As you can see." He added laying emphasis on his last words.