Because you belong to the streets...Has a mole, is tall and was checking out your ass...

Xiao AI first took a deep breath before she smiled at the phone.

"Phantasy. That is a beautiful name. Nice to meet you and I hope to see you soon."

"Sure. Thank you."

Bolin hangs up an then glared at his big sister in law. "Could you not be more nice to the man? This is the first time you will be talking to him."

"Yea yea..." she replied and waved his words away with her hand.

Not satisfied he stares at his brother to complain but his brother wasnt even looking in his direction. Damn it! Fine. He is in love and so will be forgiven for putting hoes before bros.

"Hey..Lifen...that.." she wanted to talk but glanced around the room from one person to another before keeping quiet.

Hannah saw her hesitation and said. "Wifh all that we have been through together, should you now hesitate to tell us things? Like we seriously saw you being taken away by a gust of wind."