You dont expect a lady to go out with mo underwears do you?...His big sister in law again...

Seeing Mrs Gu reaction, grandmother Mo quickly asks. " stayed at your sisters place?"

Hannah corrected. "I slept at Bolins last night."

It was now that the three women noticed that the hoodie she was wearing, was a little too big for her.

"Is that for Bolin?" Mrs Gu asked pointing at the hoodie.

"Oh..this. Yes it is. He has done very comfy clothes that I plan to steal."

The three women only nods their head and urges her to go in. Once she was gone they all sigh.

"It cant be that, can it?" Chairwoman Mo asked.

Mrs Gu felt most awkward because she thought Bolin was seeing Miss Ou. "I thought he was seeing his secretary Miss Ou, but now he and Hannah..."

Grandmother thought she didnt not like the thought of the two together because Hannah was older and gaglve a slight frown. "If the kids like each other, I dont think I will interfere."