Nice to meet your very good looking acquaintance...She has been kidnapped...

Walking towards them, she stops when she reaches the tallest one.

"Why were you guys pointing at me?"

The tallest boy who seems to be the oldest glanced at his other tiny friends and tells Duoduo. "Our mom says you were born out f wedlock. That you might be a bastard."

Duoduo strokes her chin for some time. It sounded like a tough grammar to crack but she knew what he meant. Any fool would know she belongs o mommy and daddy. She looks too much like mommy to not be her biological daughter. But this boys parents are telling him otherwise.

"Is that so? Well should I tell you guys about how I was born?"

The boys all goance at eachother and positively nod their heads.

"I dont want to say it where everyone will hear. It is a top secret so once with me." She begins to walk away and they all follow her not suspecting tht she might even be taking them to their deaths. Duoduo turns a corner and then another before stopping at a secluded part.