Next she knows, Gu Bojing is already her brother...

She only felt Bolins palm on her shoulder before he too left the room. Lifen and Yusheng both walked towards her. Lifen gave her a stiff hug and also walked out with Yusheng, leaving then with their family issues.

She walked to her mom who probably didn't notice her or acted like she didnt.

"It is not true right?"

Baozhai raised her teary face and stares at her. "Sister, this matter can be solve between the both of them." She was referring to her mother and her mom. "Maybe we shouldn't interfere." Baozhai seemed different somehow and Xiao ai couldnt tell if it was another daunting trick of her or if she had really changed.

"Tsk..what is there to solve. I am tired of living like the bad one. It is better now that the kids knows the truth."

"What truth?" No one responded to her. "Am I the only one that will be left in the dark again?" She was starting to get angry.