Another failure

" Man this triple shift is brutal, huh" one voice said. " Stop complaining, I haven't seen outside in weeks" said voice 2.

"How much more Ketamine am I supposed to give him today, 100 cc right" asked voice 1. " Umm I think today is another increase day, so his body doesnt get used to the dosage" replied voice 2. "Honestly I cant believe you are still keeping g track of the days" voice 1 said jokingly.

"Yeah its annoying but we are getting paid even though this one will just turn out like the rest" voice 2 said almost disappointingly. "Yo that's a fact, these guys just wont give up though. What is this like number 1000" complained voice 1. "Nope number 974, it's on his tag" pointed voice 2.

Voice number 2 sighed and got out of this chair. He was sitting in a small operating room. The walls were coated in what seems to be metal and a bright light shone down from the ceiling. On the operating table there was a body strapped to it. This body was your basic 17 year old build, he wasn't particularly buff but he had muscle definition and he was easily 6'3". He wore no clothes and was covered by a white cloth that hung off to the floor. The body had a mane of hare that was clearly unkept, which shows just how long he has been in this room.

The second voice was a young looking guy in a lab coat, he was locked in this operating rooming with a patient strapped to the table. The first voice was a yound gaurd stationed outside the room. Voice two whose name was Randolf walked over to the cabinet and searched around. He couldn't find the ketamine, being just an assistant on a project that was all but shutdown cause the organization to pull most of the funding, so if he was out of something we would have to wait for the head researcher to return or make do with what he had. He decide on the latter option and took up vial of epinephrine. Randolf didnt know what epinephrine was but it was in the same box as the Ketomine and at this point he didnt care. He was tired of this stupid room in this stupid organization. He was no where near qualified, he didn't even go to med school, he lied on this resume so he could get drafted into the Ares program but instead he was sent to research and development. He hated it here and he was tired of pumping drugs into corpses. And the sooner this guy flatlines the sooner he would get to go home.

Then a though crosses his mind he was so was almost angry at himself for waiting so long to think of it. He should have done this from the beginning. He took the largest needle and filled it with epinephrine. It was obvious, if he ODed this guy he could go home. He stabbed it into the subjects arm and squeezed. Then the body started violently shaking, and the heart monitor spiked and then flatline. A desperate smile spread across Randolf's face, finally he could go home.

He took the walkie-talkie from his pocket and let his superiors know that yet another expirament had failed. His superiors were noticeably annoyed, they had convinced the board this project of theirs was far more beneficial than training soldiers from scratch but they were unable to provide results. With each failure thier budget got slashed even more and this Aeacus project of theirs is on its last legs. The scientist in charge knew it was better to call it quits now and atleast save face with the other departments, he couldn't face anymore ridicule. Maybe even go back to arms and ammunition making, in another sector he thought to himself. He gave Randolf the order to call the clean up crew and told him his services would no longer be needed. This was the best news Randolf has heard in years.