Ceremony Offering

Friday, Ceremony day.

The offering ceremony to the Goddess of Rain~Lerees~ will take place tonight between 8 to 11 in the evening when the people were done eating dinner and were about to rest and sleep for the night.

The elders took some of the live chicken in the lake and slaughter them to be prepared into a delicious dish so that the goddess will be pleased with the offerings.

Several people were already cleaning the area where the ceremony will be held. They put tables near the makeshift altar so that the fruits, rice, and delicious dishes can be arranged appetizingly to please the deity. They were hoping that the goddess would come down from heaven, taste their delicious offerings, and grant them rain.

The elder Hugo can be seen walking towards the house of Margie while the sisters were sitting on the wooden bench.

Kate and Ella bowed their heads to their well respective leader.

"Good afternoon, elder Hugo. What can we do for you?" Kate asked.

"I need to ask a favor from you girls," he said while admiring the beautiful ladies.

Margie exited the door upon hearing a male's voice talking to her nieces.

"Elder Hugo, welcome to our house! Let's come inside, I will prepare a coffee for you," Margie offered.

"Ah, no need. I'm here to invite you guys to attend the ceremony, especially these two young ladies. Let's present a little dance number, I want Ella and Kate to dance for the rain goddess. Maybe the goddess will take pity on us tonight and the rain will fall after a long time. It's worth trying, we have nothing to lose," he said convincingly.

Margie looked at her nieces. "Girls, would you like to dance tonight for the offering ceremony for the rain goddess?"

Kate and Ella looked at each other and smiled in amusement.

"Why not? It's just dancing, of course, we will do it as long it will rain!" Kate answered immediately.

Ella nods her head. "Yes, I will also participate in the dance," she said. If their little dance can help the village people in getting rain then she would be willing to contribute something as silly as dancing to the good cause.

She was doubting if the silly dance would even attract the gods in heaven. It was silly to even think that Gods and Goddesses do exist when she doesn't even see one in her lifetime.

"B-but the girls were not able to practice any dance moves, Elder," Margie uttered in protest.

Hugo smiled. "It's okay, all they need to do is dance according to their interpretation of the music, they don't have to dance in synchronized moves at all," he said calmly trying to put the woman's worry away.

"But...I wonder if the goddess would be pleased that the girls were unprepared and they might create a mess during the ceremony?" Margie still not sold to the idea.

Hugo sighed. "Maybe if the goddess can see the serious effort put by the young ladies in their dance then instead of criticizing their dance move... maybe she will pity them and give us rain. Right now I can tell you, we have to try everything, or else when the lake will dry up because of no rain, then we're doomed," he explained.

Margie nodded her head. "Okay, I will allow the girls to dance in the offering ceremony," she finally gave her consent.

"Thank you for your contribution, Margie. I will leave now. The offering ceremony will start at 9:00 in the evening, don't be late girls!" he said and looked at the two women.

"We won't be late, Elder!" the girls replied in unison.

"That's good! I'll take my leave now," Hugo smiled and sauntered away from the women.

Margie pouted while looking at Hugo's back. She had no idea what that old man had eaten today, and why on earth he was able to come up with the silly idea to have her nieces dance in the offering ceremony, it's just weird!

She looked at her nieces. "Get inside the house girls!" she barked her command.

Kate and Ella followed their aunt inside the house.

Margie faced the girls. "Start practicing, if you have the intention to dance tonight then you'd better at least make an effort to be synchronized with your dance moves with each other."

Kate smiled. "How are we gonna dance when there's no music?"

Margie pondered for a moment. Aha! she got an idea! She looked at their faces.

"Create at least five to six steps that are easy to remember, then keep repeating it during the entire duration of the music. That way, you will know what to do, and you won't end up doing a statue dance in the middle of the ceremony offending the goddess, resulting in raining thunder instead of rain," Margie told them.