Worth Protecting

Esmeralda was smirking, a smug smile appeared in her lips. "Are you bullying an old woman now?"

"We don't come here to bully you. We want you to hand over the girl and we'll leave right away. We come for the girl, we're not here for you. After you handed us the girl everything will be alright," the guy repeated.

Kate was hiding behind Esmeralda's back, trembling in fear, terrified to death. "Please don't hand me to them, Granny!"

Esmeralda looked at the intruder.

"And what if I won't give you the girl? What are you going to do?" she asked the man.

"We will take her by force, whether you like it or not!" the guy replied.

"How dare you to trespass on my property!? I'll order you all to leave, or else, I will burn you all!" A glint appeared on Esmeralda's green eyes.

The guy in the black cloak refused to budge.

"Take her if you can!" Without further ado, she directed her hands to the tree and open her palms. Yellow light emerged from her palm and instantly all the leaves of the tree disengage from the branches and they began aligning on top of another covering the entire piece of land as if they have a mind of their own.

The entire piece of land was already covered with yellow leaves.

The guy in black signals his hand to his minions. "Attackkkkkkk!"

The dark floating creatures rushed forward trying to pass through the leaves... but their effort was wasted, they start to burn and were dissolving into ashes, they will all perish if they insisted on penetrating the golden leaves...

"What kind of sorcery is this!?" the guy in black ensemble asked. Using the power of his hand, he tried to make an entry between the leaves... yet the leaves won't budge. When he touches the leaves with his bare hands..."Ouch!".... he winced in pain 'coz it was starting to burn his skin. He withdraws his finger right away.

The black creatures began retreating after seeing that many of their comrades were already burned to ashes when they come in contact with the leaves.

The guy in black addresses his minions. "Everyone retreat, leave this place now!"

The black creatures began retreating together with their leader.

As soon the intruders were hovering away from the piece of land, the light comes back...the surroundings turned bright again...the black creatures can no longer be seen.

In front of the house.

Esmeralda saw her enemies scampering away in fright.

She was smiling feeling triumphant. Hmph! Those creatures were still trying to anger her!? They should know by now that she won't treat anyone kindly if they start to trespass on her property.

As long they leave her alone, then she won't meddle on anyone's affairs.

"They're gone!" Kate squealed in relief. Her trembling body starts to return to normal after discovering that the black creatures were all gone.

"Eh, are you still alive? I thought you already died because of fright?" Esmeralda joked.

"I'm still alive, Granny! I'm so happy that they're gone!" Kate exclaimed.

"Yes, they are! Now go to the tree and hug it, because it protected us from those monsters," Esmeralda commanded her.

Kate obeyed and ran to the tree, she embraces it with overflowing gratitude in her heart and murmured. "Thank you for saving Granny and me!"

Esmeralda was looking at the girl with amusement in her eyes. "Silly girl!"

Kate left the tree and went back to the old woman's side.

"Thank you so much, Granny, for saving my life!" Kate was very much thankful for her protection.

"Well, I think you're worth protecting!" Esmeralda said her eyes gleaming while staring at the girl's face. She can use this girl for a purpose one day.

For now, she needs to find out why one of the leaders of the vampire clan wants a girl that they already have thrown into the pit? Do they have a change of heart? It's a rare occurrence that they would still be interested in the girl after discarding her.

Hmm... some things...are not adding up!

Besides, she was furious that they wanted to trespass on her property.

How dare they!?

Time to visit that old man!

Kate saw the anger flashing on granny's eyes. "Granny, are you okay? Are you angry?" she asked.

Esmeralda blinks her eyes. "Well, I'm upset that those bastards dare to harass me here in my backyard! I will make them pay for it!" she gritted her teeth.

"Granny, calm down, they're gone. We are safe!" Kate said trying to pacify the old woman's anger.

Esmeralda looked at the girl. "I'm going somewhere to see someone, just stay here inside the house."

Fear returns in Kate's eyes. "B-but Granny, I'm afraid to stay here alone. Can you bring me along with you? I promise to behave and not give you any problem, please?" she pleaded.

Esmeralda was shaking her head. "No, you stay here. Don't worry, the house and the tree will protect you just in case another creature will attempt to take you away from here," she said reassuringly.

In an instant... Esmeralda disappeared from Kate's eyes.

Huh? Where did Granny go? She was just talking to her a minute ago?

Granny can make herself disappear?

Wow, amazing! Is granny a powerful witch or magician?

She was impressed and amazed by the old woman's fantastic power.

Now, she's more confident that granny can help her find her sister, despite the old woman's refusal to help her.

She entered the house and locked the door from the inside. She plopped down on the corner and waits for granny's return.

It's clear now, that only granny, has the power to protect her. She will stick to her side as long as she can.

Her mind wandered towards Ramza. How is he now? She hopes that he didn't come to the castle to find her or else he will also suffer a fate worst than death and that is being trapped in the castle of horrors, surrounded by dangers on every turn.

Then her mind went back to their village...

Her Aunt Margie and sister Ella will start worrying about her if she can't come back to their village after one week.

What she dreaded the most...

That both her Aunt Margie and Ella will go to the castle to find her and Ivy's whereabouts. Resulting in the whole family trapped in the castle of horror and dies with a horrible death, not able to see each other anymore.

Fresh tears fell from her eyes.

It's okay to cry since Esmeralda was not around to scold her... she started crying in a pit of despair.