Let's Talk!

The following day.

In the vampire's dwellings.

Xenon was heading to the room where Kate was imprisoned. He already asked permission from his brother Maxwell, providing that he won't linger for too long inside the room and won't bring Kate outside to avoid having her scent tracked by anyone who wants to find her including Esmeralda and King Voyen.

Not even one step is allowed for Kate outside the door!

He entered the room without opening the door and disappeared inside.

He landed near the headboard of the bed.

Kate was lying on the bed, eyes wide open, staring at the ceiling of the room. Her eyes darted towards him, she blinked twice.

Then she bolted from the bed and runs into the door, opening it quickly, she was able to take a few steps out of the door, unfortunately, she only got that far, Xenon grabbed her arms and dragged her back inside the room.

He hurled Kate back into the bed. "What the f*uck you're doing!?" he shouted at her, nostrils flaring.

Kate has her face shoved into the bed. She raised her head and glared at him. "I want to leave this place! Take me back to my husband!" she shouted at the guy looming at her.

Xenon began to laugh, his laughter filled the room. "Husband? You have not married that centaur king yet. Technically you're not married to him. Sorry to say, but you can no longer leave this room! You're mine!" he declared possessively.

He gawked at her with a lust-filled stare. Too bad, he can't claim her now under the bed. She should remain a virgin during the ritual. But after that, Kate will become his slave, he's free to do anything with her.

But right now, he can only salivate at her irresistible beauty.

He sat on the bed...

Kate was edging away from him, trying to move to the other end of the bed, desperate to put a distance between them, raw fear flashing in her eyes.

"Get away from me! Don't come closer or I'll scream!" she shouted at his face in a defiant stance.

Xenon guffawed, truly amused by her bravery.

Then his laughter slowly fades away. His face turns serious. "I'm not here to hurt you. Don't be afraid of me Kate," he said wanting to draw her in a friendly conversation.

Kate didn't bother to utter a reply. She gave him a cold shoulder.

"Why are you not answering me, Kate? I'm here to visit you so that you will have someone to talk to," he continued.

"Stop calling me Kate! My name is not Kate, it's Aurora!" she said in a frustrated voice.

"Whatever..." Xenon shrugged his shoulders, not interested in her outburst.

Kate stared at his face, he does not look frightening at all if his fangs are hidden inside his mouth.

She remembered so well what transpired during the time that the lights suddenly went off while she was walking... about to enter the banquet hall where the king was waiting for her.

Darkness took everyone by surprised, someone grabbed her waist and she felt broad chest pressing on her back, she was fighting him off trying to detach herself from his firm grasp, but her strength was no match with his. Then she was slowly losing consciousness and the next time she opened her eyes...she saw him for the first time and saw his pointed fangs getting out from his mouth and she fainted in horror.

He was good looking, with his aristocratic face, shaggy hair, and piercing dark eyes. He wore a long black trench coat.

Xenon eyed her face looking closely at him as if she was perusing his physical appearance. "Do I look good to you?" he teased her.

"Get out of the room!" she demanded.

Xenon chuckled. "You are one feisty chick! I wonder if you can also be this fierce under the cover, under me?"

He traveled his gaze leisurely, admiring the entire length of her body. His gaze stops at her pretty defiant face. "I can't wait to travel my hands in your naked form. I'm sure you will be moaning my name in pleasure," he whispered, winking at her, showing his magnetic smile.

Kate avoided his gaze. 'This vampire is too arrogant!' she thought to herself.

She placed her folded arms around her knees and stared at the crimson-colored bedsheet, the same color of her red dress. They represent the color of blood!

When she raised her head, she came face to face with Xenon's black orbs staring into her eyes.

"Get away from me! Back off!" she screamed in total surprise. How did he come closer to her? She didn't hear or see him moving towards her? Dang! She forgot that he is a vampire and he has supernatural power. He can appear and disappear anytime on his own free will.

Xenon didn't move an inch, so Kate jumped out of the bed, bolted towards the door and opened it, but this time she failed to open it, no matter how hard she tried with all her might, it simply won't move an inch with her frantic effort!

She's doomed!

She will never be able to get out of this room again. She will be stuck here forever... and these vampires will keep drinking her blood anytime they want.

Desperation squeezed her heart, fresh tears shimmered in her eyes.

Why does she feel like she was in this same situation, before?

She was desperately trying to open the door, she even kicked it many times, still, the door won't move! Fresh tears flooded her eyes.

"Helpppp! Somebody help me! Pleaseee...anybody there!?" she shouted at the top of her lungs, she's getting hysterical now.

Xenon was breathing heavily, shaking his head.

He was getting irritated with her screams and earsplitting yelling. Time to silence her mouth.

He moved in lightning speed and appeared beside her. "Stop trying to get out of this room! You only tire yourself, my dearest," he whispered in her ear.

He blew air on her head for a few seconds, suddenly her body grew limp and she crumbles into his waiting arms.

He carried her unconscious body and placed her in the bed.

He was grinning, she's quiet now! He likes it when she is like this, he can do anything to her without her annoying resistance as if she has a choice in the first place. Though, she found her defiance challenging and amusing.

He caresses the skin of her right arm and lowered his mouth, his pointed fangs came out from his lips, he sank them greedily into her skin.

He enjoyed drinking her sweet intoxicating blood.

A few seconds later, he finished feeding...he withdraws his fangs and it disappeared inside his mouth.

He rose from the bed and stared at the unconscious woman for a few minutes. He wore a satisfied expression on his face.

Time to leave!

He sauntered towards the door and disappeared behind it.