Ultimate Demise

A few minutes later.

Esmeralda exited the room holding two long black coats with a hood in her hands. "Wear these, girls, the night is a bit cold tonight. I will wait outside." After handing the coat to Kate, she exited the house.

Kate and Ivy donned the coat on their bodies.

"Ready?" Kate asked her older sister.

"Yes, let's go!" Ivy responded excitedly.

The sisters vacated the house and walked towards Esmeralda who is sitting on the wooden bench, waiting for them.

"Granny...we're ready!" Kate said excitedly.

"Alright, let's go girls!" Esmeralda said. She snapped her fingers and voila! A transparent box about 10 inches in height and length with silver frames appeared on the ground a few meters from where they stood. "Girls, get inside the box, it will take us to our destination," she said.

Kate dragged her sister towards the box, she pushed the door, it swung open, they entered inside, followed by Esmeralda who locked the door inside.