Look, Over There!

Esmeralda returned to the floating land. She was greeted by Kate who comes running to her side and hugged her. The girl's hug was tight she can feel her breath fading away. She gently disengaged herself from Kate's hug. "Calm down, child. You have nothing to worry about me. I'm alright," she explained.

"I'm so glad you're safe, Granny!" Kate exclaimed as huge relief washed over her. Losing Ivy and losing Granny would be a terrible blow to deal with. She wasn't going to survive the mental and emotional shock if all the people she cared for will go missing one by one.

Esmeralda smiled. "Of course I'm fine, child."

Kate breathed deeply. "Granny...d-did you have any news regarding my missing sister?"

The old woman was shaking her head feeling sad for the girl. "I'm sorry, child. Until now, there's no news regarding your sister's whereabouts."