Burn The Forest!

Nighttime comes.

Kate was getting restless. She can't possibly wait for the morning to come. She's in deep trouble. Should she escape the cave on her own or trust the old man and wait for the morning to come?

But what if he was lying?

What if...he has no plan to set her free? And he was planning to do something nasty to her?

She won't be able to forgive herself if she is not doing anything to take this chance to escape. Since the chamber has no door she will be able to exit this place without alerting the old man. She has no idea where he is right now. But if he is planning something, she needs to get out of the cave fast!

Kate rose from the bed and slowly advances towards the exit.

She looked left and right when she reached the entrance of the chamber. She can't see anyone, there's no one watching. Nice! Perfect time to escape!

She looked ahead of her. The passage was illuminated by torches, a few meters interval from each other.