Who Is That Girl?

Jegun and Kate reappeared inside the chamber.

The old man settled Kate in the bed, done with his task, he was ready to leave the chamber.

If he comes too late, this girl is dead meat with only bones left in her body because the king's favorite tree is a parasite, it loves devouring human and animals flesh and blood to nourish its body.

To save the girl, he lied again to the king. Previously, he told the king that he will save him and take him out of the castle one day. The king was happy and begged to include his wife and twelve sons and daughters, he refused, 'coz he can only save one.

Earlier, he lied again and told the king that during the day they will escape the castle, he can bring his wife and twelve children with him to freedom and he also told him that the captive girl was the sister of their savior.

The king was overjoyed and asked his favorite tree to release Kate at once.