Stick Together

Esmeralda and Ivy returned to the house situated up in the floating piece of land.

Kate was sitting outside the door, waiting for them. She sprinted towards them. "Guys, where have you been? You were gone for too long," she told them.

Esmeralda handed the flowers to Kate. "Here are the fresh flowers I picked up for you, I hope you like them. I'm going to my room to rest. Enjoy your dinner, girls," she said and left.

"Thanks, Granny," Kate said and examined her sister's face, then she asked, "Where have you been, sis? did you cry? Your eyes look red."

Ivy smiled. "Granny and I were just talking about adult stuff in the stream. She wants to get to know me better. We just have a girly bonding," she answered with her ready-made lies.

Kate pouted. "Eh? Did you go to the garden? Why you guys didn't bring me along with you? You know that I love that place. So unfair!" she grumbled.