My Treat!

The next morning.

Ella woke up early at 5:00 in the morning, it's still dark outside. Julia was still sleeping beside her in the bed and snoring softly. She slowly makes her way out of the bed and picked up the pandan bag which contains her clothing and tiptoed out of the room. 'I'm sorry, Julia, I have to leave,' she said in her mind.

She exited the door of the house and sweeps her gaze around her, the surrounding still dark, it's a good time to leave when everyone is still sleeping in their houses.

She walked faster heading to the direction of the main road that would take her to the next village, the Thorn Spring Village. And from there, she will hire a wagon that would bring her to the castle on the hill. According to her aunt, the travel would take more or less three days, depending on how fast the travel is.

Minutes went by.