The Grand Plan

Zemeth went out to find Ramza. He found him in the next chamber. "Are you happy now after learning that Kate successfully escapes this forsaken castle?" he asked.

Ramza nodded his head. "Yes, I am. But I have to find out where she is right now..."

"I think she is in the company of Esmeralda and the tree," Zemeth suggested.

"I'm sure that Kate would hurry home to see Ella and her Aunt Margie...but she will see no one in their house," Ramza said.

Zemeth nodded his head. "Agree, maybe she will wait there in the house or...she will go where Esmeralda and the tree will go."

Ramza sighed. "I hope she stayed in the house and didn't accompany her companion so that we can easily locate her. The problem is... if Esmeralda left the human world and went to another place... then we will have a hard time locating her."