Wonderful Presence

Ella was smiling when she put the platter of roasted chicken in front of her sister in the bed. "Sister, when I entered the chamber, you and Zemeth were talking seriously. I'm sorry to interrupt," she said apologetically.

Ivy smiled. "Don't mention it."

"Aww, my wild guess is...he already confessed to you...was he proposing to you, sister?" Ella asked, her eyes glimmered with mischief.

Ivy was shaking her head, dang! she can't hide anything from her sister. "Well...he did confess his feelings towards me and offered me marriage... I don't know how to respond..." she openly admitted her dilemma and sighed.

Ella smiled. "Sister, don't turn him down. "He is a handsome guy and decent enough. You and Zemeth look perfect together. If he asked again, say yes! Then bring me with you to the Nephilim Kingdom..." she suggested.

"Huh? Why do you want to go to the Nephilim Kingdom?" Ivy asked her sister.