Love Of My Life

Maxwell was sitting on the edge of Ivy's bed, caressing the red bed sheet with his hand. He had to admit that he missed his beloved woman.

After the ten days were over, the poison should be activated inside her body, he knows that it did, but it didn't!

His heart beats faster upon seeing the candle burning then suddenly died in front of him. The candle signifies Ivy's life!

Then the candle was slowly burning brightly again, until now it's burning! Which means, Ivy's body defeated the poison he made her swallow in advance? That's impossible to believe!

He needs to see for himself the truth!

While he and his siblings were busy finding Kate, Ella, Ivy, and Esmeralda all over the place, he managed to locate Ivy's whereabouts inside the cave, undetected by her companions.

He heard them discussing their escape.