What Can I Do?

Jegun went to the kitchen to check what the kids are doing. He was feeling relieved that Agran and Ella were warming to each other, real fast. They formed a friendship pretty quickly. Ella was Agran's first legit friend. But their friendship is fragile. Once Ella will discover that Agran was the one who bit her, then she will surely hate him with every fiber of her being. He released a deep sigh.

Agran was adding firewood on a makeshift stone stove, he was cooking boiled bananas on the clay pot.

While Ella was finished cleaning the fish and putting it in another pot to make a fish soup, she added saltwater to the pot to make it tastier and not bland to taste. Next, she was washing the leafy vegetable she found growing abundantly in the backyard. In her village, the women used those green leafy vegetable to add to their favorite seafood soup.

"Kids, what are you cooking?" Jegun inquired.