Come Back!

Ramza's eyes widened in happiness. "Nice meeting you Esmeralda! May I know where is Kate? I wanna see her!" he requested in an excited voice.

Esmeralda's brows furrowed. "Huh? Why would you wanna see her?"

"Because she is my girlfriend!" Ramza answered enthusiastically.

"Oh!" Aspen was astounded.

"What is your name?" asked Esmeralda.

"My name is Ramza," he said.

"Looks like the lovebirds are destined to meet today, eh?" Vearah commented casually.

Ramza can't contain his excitement of seeing his beloved again. "Kate my love! I'm outside the house! Please come out! I wanna see you! I miss you so much!" he shouted over and over again.

The trio's face contented into a grimace.

Esmeralda rolled her eyes, while Vearah giggled.

Aspen raised a brow and covered his ears. "Silence, please! You don't have to shout. Okay, I'll get your lady love and inform her that you're here," he said and turned around, going to the house.