Sad News

Aspen went to the bed and rubbed his friend's back gently, consoling her. "Did you see with your two eyes when Immortal Vearaha's body disintegrated into the air?" he asked curiously.

"Yes, she just disintegrates like that. I'm so heartbroken," Esmeralda replied in misery. She wiped her tears with the hem of her dress.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. It must be hard for you to see your mentor disappeared without saying goodbye. We can't even properly mourn her passing because there is no dead body to bury," Aspen said. "But don't worry much, since Vearah is an immortal she will be reborn sooner or later. We just don't know when..." he added.

"We try to capture her spirit animal, but it flies away and vanished quickly," Esmeralda said sadly.