Cryptic Message

Tears glistened in Zemeth's eyes. "Yeah, I know," he said, finally accepting the fact that the blazing barrier is determined to finish its task, and no amount of rain can extinguish it.

A few minutes later, the rain finally stopped.

Ramza realized how lucky they were that they were finally able to escape the deadly castle. Too bad, Ivy and Esmeralda were trapped inside and probably dead by now. He released a deep sigh, truly disheartened and devastated by the tragic end of the two ladies that already become his friends. If only they're outside, safe with them, this will be a happy occasion to celebrate.

The fall of the castle can bring back peace to all the villages situated in nearby areas. This will also signal their return to their regular life. No more monsters and dark shadows to hunt and kill.

Zemeth's face was contorted in pain, his eyes filled with grief staring at the blazing inferno in front of them.


Meanwhile, below the hill.